Ace Plumbing and Heating Blog: Archive for the ‘Water Heaters’ Category

Are Tankless Water Heaters Worth It?

Monday, April 15th, 2024

If you’ve been thinking about switching from a tank water heater to a tankless water heater, you may be wondering if the upgrade is worth it. After all, tankless water heaters are more expensive to install and it can be a little bit of a process to make the switch over because most homes need some retrofitting.

You can keep reading to learn more about the unique benefits that a tankless water heater offers, as well as some of the potential downsides. Then you can give us a call whenever you’re ready to switch from a hot water tank in Calgary over to a tankless model. We can even complete an in-home assessment and review with you how a tankless model would be set up inside your home.

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Why You Shouldn’t DIY Install a Water Heater

Monday, January 8th, 2024

There are many home projects that you can complete by searching online for DIY tutorials. However, a water heater installation is not one of those projects. Water heaters require highly specialized care, and there are many steps to removing your old water heater and installing a new one correctly.

If it’s time for a new water heater installation in Calgary, AB for your family, give our team a call. We can walk you through your water heater options and then complete installation for you. You can keep reading to learn more about why you don’t want to install a water heater without hiring a plumbing professional.

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Replace Your Old Hot Water Tank? Why Now?

Monday, October 9th, 2023

Ah, the simple joy of a warm shower at the end of a hectic day! It is something every homeowner cherishes. Thanks to a crucial yet often overlooked home appliance – the hot water tank. However, as with many things in our homes, these tanks have a limited lifespan. And if you have been frustrated with lukewarm showers and rising energy costs, it might be time for a change.

Hi, my name is Jack Devetten, President of Ace Plumbing. Many know me as the Professor of Plumbing. Throughout the 45 years of my career, I have guided countless homeowners on the numerous benefits of upgrading their water tanks. If you are unsure about replacing your old hot water tank, let me show you some compelling reasons to consider an upgrade.

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Common and Uncommon Water Heater Repairs

Monday, July 24th, 2023

The water heater in your home is designed to last a long time, but it won’t be without problems here and there. The best way to stay ahead of problems is to schedule water heater maintenance. You can also pay attention to how your water heater operates and learn the signs that something may be wrong.

When you do notice that your water heater is not quite working as it usually does, you can give our team a call for water heater repair in Calgary. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about both common and uncommon water heater repairs that we see and the signs of each one. 

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Tank Vs Tankless Water Heaters: Pros and Cons

Monday, May 1st, 2023

If you want to install a new water heater in your home, you may be considering a tankless water heater instead of a more traditional tank system. If you’ve used both in the past, you may already have a preference for one over the other. But, if you are new to tankless water heaters, you may have some questions.

Both systems have a variety of benefits, but they also have their own unique downsides. There is no right or wrong choice when it comes to water heaters. You have to make the decision that fits your family’s unique needs. If you are interested in the installation of a tankless water heater in Calgary, you can give our team a call for an assessment at your home. In the meantime, keep reading to learn more about the pros and cons of tank and tankless water heaters.

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Why Is My Water Heater Rumbling?

Monday, December 26th, 2022
Technician servicing an hot-water heater

If you have a water heater, it’s going to make some sounds while it operates. While most of the sounds are quiet, your water heater will never be completely silent. With this in mind, you should also never hear loud or surprising sounds coming from your water heater. No matter how big or small your water heater is, there should never be rumbling.

If your water heater does begin to rumble, it’s time for a water heater check-up. Our team can come out and determine the cause of the sound as well as fix it to prevent any future damage. If your hot water tank in Chestermere is making unusual sounds, give us a call. In the meantime, keep reading to learn more about why your water heater might be rumbling so that you understand what’s going on.

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Water Heater Installation: Tank or Tankless?

Monday, December 12th, 2022
Technician servicing an hot-water heater

Sooner or later it will be time to invest in a new water heater for your home. Tank water heaters used to be the only option for homeowners, but now tankless water heaters are gaining popularity. Before you choose one type or the other, it’s important to understand the pros and cons of each water heater. 

Tankless water heaters do offer an impressive list of benefits, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right choice for your home and family. If you’re interested in a tankless water heater, our experts can visit your home for a free consultation to help you understand the installation process.

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What to Know About Your Water Heater’s Sacrificial Anode Rod

Monday, October 17th, 2022

Have you ever heard of a sacrificial anode rod? Most homeowners have no clue what it is, but the sacrificial anode rod is a very important part of your water heater. While it’s not a topic you discuss around the dinner table, it is something interesting that you might like to learn more about.

After all, your water heater has an important job in your home. And the more you know about it, the better you understand how it works. When you know how your water heater works, you can identify problems faster when something goes wrong. If you need Calgary water heater services, our team can help. 

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Why Do I Always Run Out of Hot Water?

Friday, September 3rd, 2021

Every Albertan knows that having hot water in the house isn’t a choice, it’s a necessity. Staying warm in our frigid winters requires the occasional hot shower and a warm water supply prevents our pipes from freezing. But have you found yourself running out of hot water when you need it most?

There are a few reasons that your hot water supply might not be providing what you need. If you’ve got a hot water emergency, it’s always best to call our team for immediate service. For less urgent matters, consider these factors when you’re frustrated with a limited hot water supply.

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5 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Water Heater

Monday, May 20th, 2019

Unfortunately, your water heater won’t last forever. If your plumbing systems aren’t working like they use to, and you’ve already opted for water heater repair services in the past, it might be time for you to upgrade your system. We know that you probably aren’t jumping for joy about this prospect—purchasing a new water heater itself and finding a technician to install it can be incredibly expensive, but if it’s time for it to go, we suggest that you make the switch sooner than later.

Your water heater accounts for nearly 17% of your home’s energy use. It consumes more energy than all your other household appliances combined. Make sure that you give this appliance the attention it deserves. If you need great water heater services in Calgary, AB, make sure you contact our team today.

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